By Laws



Spider Lake Clean UP



Land Use Form











Revision - Jan '01


Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Trailbuster’s 4x4 Club of Solano County.


Section 1. The Trailbuster’s 4x4 Club is organized for the purpose of:

a.       To hold club functions and activities that benefits our members and the public.

b.       To encourage a better understanding of the sport of off-roading.  


 Section 1. Owners of all 4WD vehicles are eligible for membership in the Trailbuster’s 4x4 Club.

 Section 2. Prospective Member:

a.       A prospective member is an individual and/or a family applying for membership in the Trailbusters 4x4 Club.

b.       To become a member, the applicant must attend at least one meeting and one sanctioned run.

c.       The applicant must also read the Trailbuster’s 4x4 Club By-Laws, Complete the required application, Sign a “Waiver of Liability” form, Pay applicable membership fees and Receive a vote of approval by a majority of the voting members present at a business meeting.

d.       Additionally, All new members must obtain a fire extinguisher.

e.       A CB Radio is highly recommended. Also First Aid equipment.

 Section 3. Members in good standing:          

a.       A member who actively participates in club functions.

b.       Pays the required dues within 3 months of the due date.    


 Section 1. Dues:

a.       Dues are $25.00 per year, paid within 90 days, and are not refundable. Dues for new members will be pro-rated.

b.       Dues are due on the date of the business meeting in the month of April, and are late if not received by the business meeting of July.


Section 1. The Trailbuster’s 4x4 Club of Solano County shall have the following officers:

a.       President

b.       Vice-President

c.       Secretary/ Editor

d.       Treasurer 

Section 2. Any candidate for office must be an active member in good standing for a minimum of 6 months.  

Section 3. Nominations for the Club offices will be held in the month of November.  

Section 4. Elections will take place at the December meeting and will be taken by a majority vote. The newly elected officers will take office immediately after adjournment of the December meeting. 

Section 5. All Officers are responsible for their respective offices and those duties shall be as follows: 

a.      President: Chairperson for all meetings, calls for special meetings and exercises all presidential functions.

b.      Vice-President: Second-in-Charge. Presides in the absence of the President. Assumes the office of the President should it become vacant. Responsible for maintaining order during business meetings.

c.      Secretary/ Editor: Records club minutes, keeps an accurate record of the status of the membership. Responsible for incoming & outgoing correspondence.  Responsible for the monthly newsletter and membership roster. 

d.      Treasurer: Responsible for all financial records and club finances. Collection of Dues, Payment of Bills, & Maintenance of the Club financial bookkeeping.  Prepare financial reports for the monthly meeting and published in the monthly newsletter.  Notifies the President of club members delinquent in payment of dues.  Maintenance of the club kitty balance.  

Section 6. The following provisions affect the removal of Club Officers: 

a.       Impeachment: Impeachment is the formal accusation that an officer’s conduct has been improper and that his/her duty has been neglected. Impeachment requires a majority vote by voting members and will result in the immediate removal from office of the officer.

b.       Resignation: Any elected or appointed officer may submit his/her resignation to the membership for reasons he/she is not bound to disclose. Resignation does not bar him/her from holding office at a latter date, if he/she desires to and is duly elected or appointed to. 

Section 7. The membership will have the power to create any temporary club office outside of those listed and appoint an officer over that office subject to the approval of a majority of the voting membership 

*NOTE: Drinking or Drug abuse will not be tolerated. Furthermore, any behavior that brings discredit to the Trailbuster’s 4x4 Club will result in the immediate expulsion from the club.   


Section 1. Business meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at a place designated by the membership. The following is a general meeting agenda, which should provide a general idea of how a club meeting should run: 

a.       Meeting called to order by President.

b.       Attendance taken by Secretary/ Editor.

c.       Reports from each officer.

d.       Reports from any current club committees.

e.       Any presentations or guest speakers.

f.        Old business.

g.       New business.

h.       Pertinent closing remarks.

i.         The meeting is adjourned. 

Section 2. The membership shall have general legislative authority and shall make such laws, rules and regulations necessary for the government of the club which does not conflict with a higher authority. 

Section 3. Special meetings shall be held at the discretion of the membership. All members must be given one week’s notice. 

Section 4. Any voting member unable to attend a meeting, who has a legitimate excuse, may appoint a proxy vote to a member prior to a meeting to be missed. A proxy vote must be for a specified period of time and must be in writing. 


Section 1. Any and all persons attending a club function must sign a “Waiver of Liability” prior to a participation of the event. 


Section 1.   The "Cow Bel"l is presented to the person who breaks a vehicle, gets their vehicle stuck, or has an “unusual goof” during a club sanctioned run.   

Section 2.  The "Cow Bell" will be presented to the winner at the next meeting.  Should there be more than one run that month and more than one event warrenting this award, voting members will vote on the winner at the next meeting and the winner will be presented with the "Cow Bell."  

Section 3.  The owners of the "Cow Bell" will own the "Cow Bell" till someone else earns it per section 1.  

Section 4.  The current owner of the "Cow Bell" must have the "Cow Bell" in their possession at all club meetings and club sanctioned events.  Should there be more than one vehicle of ownership the owner of the "Cow Bell" must have the "Cow Bell" in his possession even if they are driving a different vehicle than the one driven during the winning of the "Cow Bell."   

Section 5.   In the event the owner of the "Cow Bell" does not have the "Cow Bell" in his possession they will have to pay $1.00 to the kitty for each club meeting and club sanctioned event they do not have the "Cow Bell" in their possession.  This fund will be collected and recorded by the Treasurer. 


Section 1.   To show the club spirit the club members should have some type of club apparel on during all club meetings and club sanctioned events.  Club apparel will include but not be limited to T-Shirts, Sweat Shirts, Ball Caps, Muscle Shirts, and Jacket having the club logo on them.

Section 2.  In the event you show up to a club meeting or club sanctioned event without one of the items listed in section 1 the member will have to pay .25 cents to the kitty.  This will be collected and recorded by the club treasurer. 


Section 1.   This collection will be maintained by the club treasurer.   

Section 2.   A Club Spirit committee will be established by the voting members during the January meeting.  Club officers are excluded from receiving the club spirit award.  The committee will keep record of club members showing club spirit during the year.   

Section 3.  At the December meeting the spirit committee will present the club members with the information collected throughout the year on club spirit shown throughout the year.   Voting members will vote on the recipient of the club spirit award for best spirit shown throughout the year.   

Section 4.  The club kitty will be used to purchase the club spirit award.  This award will be chosen by the club spirit committee.      


Section 1.  A Rabbit Hunt is a game of tag using the CB Radio signal meters to triangulate the location of the Rabbit Hiding in a designated hiding area.

Section 2.  The location will be selected during club meetings.   The boundaries for the hunt will be chosen by the group during the initial meeting on the night of the event. 

Section 3.  The last one to show up to the Rabbit Hunt is the Rabbit for the first hunt.  The Rabbit will hide within the designated location boundaries.    Once the Rabbit has found a place to hide they will talk on the CB for at least 1 ½ to 2 minutes for people to get a good reading on their signal.  Each minute there after the Rabbit will talk about nothing for at least 15 seconds.  This will allow enough time for the players to read the signal.   

Section 4.  Hiding Rules.  The Rabbit must have two vehicle tires on the pavement at all times.  No hiding on the grass or off the paved area.  When hiding next to a large building or structures they must be at least 25 feet away from that structure to keep the CB Signal from being masked by the structure. 


Section 1. Trash: If you had room to bring it in, you have room to haul it out, to a proper trash receptacle. Also picking up trash left by those less considerate most likely will not overload your truck either. Remember if you don’t help to preserve this land, no one will.